Sunday, July 17, 2016

Helpful Hint for Beginning Knitters

When someone wants to learn how to knit I am always happy to show them the ropes. Once I even used two pencils to demonstrate because we didn’t have needles at hand. Pencils work.

So many people grow frustrated and give up because the act of twisting yarn around two pokey sticks in a uniform fashion doesn’t come naturally. Or they are afraid to start because they bought a boucle or expensive wool yarn that doesn’t hold up well to continuous frogging.

I always recommend to new knitters to buy a cheap skein of yarn, a smooth yarn that will hold up to abuse, and practice, practice, practice. Make swatches. Knit and tear it out. All knitting is is knits or purls. Nothing else really. A cable is just knit or purl stitches out of order. Knitting two together is still just a knit stitch. You just happen to insert needle into two stitches instead of just one. So knit and purl until it feels comfortable and your rows and stitches are nice and uniform.

Once you feel comfortable working knits and purls with the cheap, smooth yarn, bring out that specialty, expensive yarn and your first project will go so much easier.

Even for more advanced knitters, it's always a good idea to do swatches with new patterns or new techniques. I often swatch with new patterns so that I get a feel for what's happening. Of course you should swatch for gauge but it's also helpful to swatch for learning the pattern.

Quilters will pick up a pencil and paper and draw the design they want to quilt onto the quilt before actually going to the machine because physical action creates a memory. It's the same with knitting. I recommend the cheap yarn for playing because then it's little investment and you're more likely to be free about experiment when there's less investment.

So pick up your needles, whether straight, cabled, or double pointed and experiment, practice, and lose all fear!