Friday, January 12, 2018

Knitted Cat Hat

For Christmas gifts this year I made my granddaughters cat hats. They are obsessed with cats and they were thrilled with their cat hats.

Instead of doing the conventional straight up hat with a seamed top, I decided to define the ears a bit more. I accomplished this with 2 short rows at the start and middle of the row.

I found this alpaca yarn at Michael's and it is just lovely, so soft and warm.

First step, measure the head. The gray cat hat pictured is for my almost 3 year old granddaughter. Her head circumference measures 19" and the gauge swatch with this yarn and size 15 Addi 16" circulars was about 2 stitches per inch so I cast on 40 stitches. I used a provisional cast on and did the rolled hem method; knit 1, slip 1 purlwise with yarn in front across the first row then slip 1 knit stitch purlwise and purl 1 across the second row then repeat rows 1 and 2 for rows 3 and 4 before working a 1x1 rib for a few inches. I knit two rows then did the linen stitch for several rows to give it a bit of cat fur texture before going back to stockinette. Somewhere along the way place a stitch marker between the 19th and 20th stitch. This is the middle stitch marker.

I formed the ears with two short rows, the second short row 2 stitches less than the first short row. For smaller hats you can go with 8 then 6 stitches for the short rows if desired.

When the hat is the right height, about 6", when you have knit to the height you want, knit 5 stitches past the middle stitch marker and wrap and turn and purl 10 stitches then wrap and turn and knit to start of row stitch marker and knit 5 stitches past that marker then wrap and turn and purl 10 stitches then wrap and turn and knit to 4 stitches past middle stitch marker and purl 8 stitches then wrap and turn and knit to start of row stitch marker and wrap and turn then purl 8 stitches then wrap and turn and knit to end of row and one more row completely around. Use the Kitchener's Stitch to seam up the top. (If you want the ears more subtle, you can do

Use some scrap yarn to sew on buttons for eyes and do a satin stitch nose. Tie two strands of yarn on each side of nose for whiskers. And voila! A fun and lovely cat hat for kids or adults.

For my five year old granddaughter, whose head is 20" in circumference, I cast on 42 stitches with the blue yarn. Blue is her favorite color! Win! Win! A blue cat hat. She absolutely loves it!