Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fox and Wolf Christmas Hoods Were a Hit

For Christmas I made the fox and wolf hoods for my grandchildren. The girls in Texas got a lighter version since it doesn't really get cold down there. The kids in Alberta, Canada got warm, heavy-duty hoods since it gets really cold up there.

I just love these hoods. They are so cute that the kids are excited to wear them and they help keep them warm and cozy on those brisk winter days.

The middle child has been in a stage of refusing to look at the camera so getting her to engage with a photographer and smile are small miracles. It's hard to tell but she was so excited about the dark wolf hood. She ran to the mirror to see herself and when she saw her reflection yelled, "I am so cute!" Very cute.

They have been wearing them while out on their outdoor activities (they are in all the pictures I've seen since Christmas) so I think they are well-loved. In these cold winter climates, staying warm is a priority. Making staying warm fun is that extra step. Looks like I've succeeded.

I must confess, when making these last autumn in preparation for gifting at Christmas, I made an adult version. The adult version is with a wool, too scratchy for little faces, but all right for an adult. I actually laugh every time I see myself in it but it's because it's so stinking fun to wear an adult wolf hood. And it's warm. It keeps the cold at bay.

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