Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Remote Shutter Release Carrying Case

I bought a wireless remote shutter release for my DSLR camera. I went with the off brand instead of the one made by the camera company because I saved $25.00 doing so. I am not sure why there is such a vast difference in price between the off brand and brand model. Less than $6 for off brand and $30 for brand model in local store. All it is is a switch, a signal to camera saying click the shutter. Both versions have instant release and 2 second delay. The one difference is that the brand model came with a little black carrying bag. The kind that is made of material that is that thin, wind breaker kind of fabric. Nothing special. Nothing worth $25.

So, I made a little case.

I had been playing with scraps of fabric and took one of those and added a 2" strip at each end to make up the difference in length. Cut a piece of lining to match size of outer shell. Sewed some velcro on the flap end and on the end tagged for body. Then did the pillowcase sewing. You know, put lining and shell right sides together and sewed around, leaving a 2-3" gap for turning. Then I sewed up the two sides to complete pouch, using a blanket stitch style stitch to catch the edges.

Voila! A lovely, personal pouch for storing the remote shutter release. The strap is a suede iCord attached to a stylish lobster claw. The ring enclosed in the tab sewn into the side is a jewelry finding, not a D ring. The lobster claw won't go over a D ring.

Very handy, very stylish, very economical, and very personal. I like it. Oh, and very simple, quick, and easy to make. I used the dimension from the little plastic bag around the remote shutter release and added seam allowances. It did not need to be as wide as it is but that was the size of the scrap quilting block I had sitting around so that's how wide it is.

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