Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Back From a Break

I did not mean to stay away so long. I had some minor medical issues. Nothing life altering but enough to keep me from working on projects and posting anything. Pain is something I can handle without drugs but does strongly impact my thinking and creative process.

Now that I am about recovered I have some projects in the works that I will photograph and post soon. I found a lovely, lovely fabric last year that I made a laptop carrying case with and there was enough left over for a cross-body purse and a tote-sized purse. It's a printed canvas so it's nice and sturdy. The pattern is giraffe, I think. It looks like a giraffe pattern. It's a lovely, deep brown and I paired it with a lovely deep brown suede cloth.

Next project instructions I plan to share is how to make a collapsible fabric basket. These are handy in many ways. I plan to use mine for when I attend the local knitting group. It lays flat for carrying in my bag and then I snap the corners together and I have a handy little basket to hold my stitch markers and other little items that can so easily go astray. You can also use them for holidays. Example, use a festive holiday fabric and use them for candies or other holiday items. For storage they will lay flat.

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