Saturday, June 30, 2018

Organic Knitting on the Fly

I found some lovely yarn on clearance at Michaels but there were only two skeins. So it was time to get creative and see what I could do with 2 skeins.

(My camera has gone kaputt with strange color lines but my backup needs charging so these will have to do today.)

It's a lovely yarn, soft and has a nice drape. I decided to go with bigger needles than necessary for such a thin, lightweight yarn and make a cover/wrap. That involves a back then splitting at the shoulder for two front panels and tacking a few inches on the sides to create sleeves.

Since I only have two skeins I decided to knit as long as I could on the first skein then call that the back length and start the front panels with the second skein.

With size 6 circular needles I cast on 140 sts, using the alternating ribbing cast on method. I have posted that here before.

Then work about an inch of ribbing then about 2" of moss stitch (k1, p1 across then on following rows knit in purl and purl in knit) to keep the edges from rolling.

I placed markers after 10, 30, 50, 90, 110, 130. The first ten and last ten stitches are worked in moss stitch. After the border is complete stitches 11-50 and 91-130 are worked in stockinette. I put the markers at 30 and 110 for counting then left them because I think I will do a design on the front. Stitches 50-90 are what I call holey stitches.

Holey stitches, multiple of 4 worked in 4 row repeats.
Row 1: k4, yox2, k4, youx2....end with k4
Row 2: k2, ssk, (p1, k1 the 2 yos), k2tog, *ssk,p1,k1, k2tog, ending with k2
Row 3: k2, yo x2, k4, youx2.... end with k2
Row 4: ssk, p1,k1, k2tog....

I still have plenty of yarn left in the first skein and have reached a length that would work well for the cover but I plan to go a few more inches.

I wish I had thought to do a self-edging icord on the sides as I worked but did not think of it until I had several inches of the back completed above the edging and I did not want to tear it out and start over and I certainly did not want to start the new edge partially up the sides. For the next one though...

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