Friday, September 1, 2023

Crocheted Addy Bear


Crocheted Addy Bear - Free Pattern

Designed and created by Robyn for Cosmic Pony.

1 skein (3 oz) medium weight yarn

1 G hook

1 tapestry needle

1 embroidery needle

Embroidery floss: brown (or choice) for nose, white or ivory for highlight, and choice for eye color.


Medium Skill Level


Gauge: with G hook is 4 st/inch



Incr= 2 sc in same stitch

Decr= insert hook into stitch, do not pull through loop, insert hook into second stitch, pull through all three loops on hook

sl= insert hook into a stitch and pull into loop on hook without doing a yarn over

(#)= how many stitches in that Row

Stitches within * are a set to be repeated as many times as noted. Example, 1 sc *2 sc, incr* 2 times, 2 sc… would result in 9 stitches because you would do 1 sc and then do 2 sc and an increase and then a second time you would do 2 sc and an increase then finish with 2 more sc.


Work is done in Rows but not turning. At the end of each Row, slip stitch to first stitch of current row to finish row. Each ch 1 starting the new Row will bump up to next row and count as first stitch. Every ch1 is included in stitch count for row in parentheses (). Slip stitch is never counted as a stitch.


Leave about 12”-16” tail of yarn on body, one ear, the muzzle, one arm, and one leg for attaching together. Example, it’s not necessary to leave yarn tail on head piece because yarn tail on body piece will be used to sew the two together. Weave in tails on pieces without required longer yarn tail.


At the end of every row, slip stitch to first stitch of current row then do the ch1 which starts each row.



Row 1: ch3, slip stitch, ch1, 5 sc inside loop  (6)

Row 2: ch 1, sc in same stitch as ch1, 2 sc in each stitch across  (12)

Row 3: ch 1, incr, *1 sc, incr* 5 times  (18)

Row 4: ch 1, incr, *1 sc, incr* 8 times, 1 sc (28)

Row 5: ch1, 27 sc in back loop of stitch (28)

Row 6: ch1, 27 sc (28)

Row 7: ch1, 8 sc, incr, *2 sc, incr* 3 times 9 sc (32)

Row 8: ch1, 31 sc (32)

Row 9: ch1, 9 sc, decr, 8 sc, decr, 10 sc (30)

Row 10: ch1, 29 sc (30)

Row 11: ch1, 13 sc, decr, 14 sec (29)

Row 12: ch1, 9 sc, decr, 5 sc, decr, 10 sc (27)

Row 13: ch1, 26 sc (27)

Row 14: ch1, *5 sc, decr* 3 times, 5 sc (24)

Row 15: ch1, 23 sc (24)

Row 16: ch1, 5 sc, decr, *2 sc, decr,*2 times, 6 sc (19)

Row 17: ch1, 2 sc, decr, *2 sc, decr,* 3 times, 2 sc (15)

Add stuffing

Row 18: ch1, decr, *2 sc, decr,*3  times  (11)

Row 19: ch1, 6 decr, (7) tie off, leaving about 12” tail of yarn



Row 1: ch3, slip stitch, ch1, 7 sc inside loop (8)

Row 2: ch1, sc in same st as ch1, 2 sc in each stitch across (16)

Row 3: ch1, incr, *1 sc, incr* 7 times (24)

Row 4-8: ch 1, 23 sc (24)

Row 9: ch1, decr, *1 sc, decr* 7 times (16)

Row 10: ch1, 7 decr, tie off, weave in end.


Ears (Make 2)

Row 1: ch5, 1 sc, incr, incr, 1 sc (6) ch 1, turn

Row 2: 1 sc, incr, 1 sc, (10) slip stitch to last stitch of foundation chain ch1, turn

Row 3: 10 sc, (10) slip stitch to first ch st

Note: to give ears nice Rounded shape, slip stitching last stitch in Row 2 and Row 3 will pull edges down nicely.

To sew on both ears with one strand, leave yarn tail at least 12" on one ear for sewing onto head and weave in end of other.





Row 1: Ch 5, sc into 4th ch stitch, 2 sc, 5 sc in 1st ch stich

Row 2: 3 sc bottom of chain, sl st

Row 3: Ch1, 11 sc outside loop of stitch

Row 4: 11 sc, slip stitch, tie off with yarn trail for sewing.

Use a small bit of stuffing.


Attach Ears and Muzzle to Head before attaching Head to Body.

Ears go halfway on head, top about 2nd row from top.

Use yarn tail to whip stitch ears into place.

Muzzle goes in center in bottom half of head.

Use yarn tail to whip stich muzzle into place.


Attach Head to Body.

Be aware of body’s belly curve when attaching head to body.  Attach head so that belly is aligned with head, both facing in the same direction.


Legs (Make 2)

Row 1: ch3, sl st, ch1, 7sc, sl st (8)

Row 2: ch1, sc in same stitch as ch1, 7 incr (16)

Row 3: ch1, incr, *1 sc, incr* 7 times (24)

Row 4: ch1, 23 sc in back loop of stitch (24)

Row 5-7: ch1, 23 sc (24)

Row 8: ch1, sc, decr, *2 sc, decr* 5 times (18)

Row 9: ch1, 17 sc (18)

Row 10: ch1, 2 sc, decr, *2 sc, decr* 3 times, 1 sc (14)

Row 11-15: ch1, 13 sc (14)

Row 16: ch1, 1 sc, decr, *2 sc, decr* 2 times, 2 sc (11)

Row 17: ch1, 10 sc (11)

Row 18: ch1, 1 sc, decr, *1 sc, decr* 2 times, 1 sc (8)

Row 19: ch1, 3 decr, 1 sc (5)

Leave 12”-18” yarn tail on one.


Arms (make 2)

Row 1: ch3, sl, ch1, 5 sc inside loop, sl stitch (6)

Row 2: ch1, sc in same st as ch1, 5 incr (12)

Row 3: ch1, incr, *1 sc, incr* 5 times, 1 sc (19)

Row 4: ch1, 18 sc in back loop only of stitch (19)

Row 5-7: ch1, 18 sc (19)

Row 8: ch1, 9 decr, (10)

Row 9: ch1, 9 sc (10)

Add some stuffing

Row 10-15: ch1, 9 sc (10)

Row 16: ch1, 5 decr, tie off

Leave 12”-16” yarn tail on one arm and weave in end on other arm.


Attach arms and legs to body. Using yarn tails, place arm on body shoulder, roughly lining up to ear placement above. Since this is for a child’s toy I tie one or two extra knots to make it secure, choosing a place such as under appendage and further hiding knots between stitches. Legs get attached in line with arms, at row or two above body’s fifth row.

Note: you can either whipstitch around top few rows of arms or once yarn is secured to arm run needle back and forth through body and the two arms at least eight times and finish off. It’s treating the arm like a button. Running the yarn back and forth allows arms to pivot. Do the same to attach the legs.



Use satin stitch and all 6 strands of floss. Don’t worry about exact placement as differences give them uniqueness and personality. Because of the structure of the crocheted stitches it’s pretty much impossible to get a circle so satin stich as close to a circular shape as possible. Use photo for reference.

Eyes go just above muzzle and to either side of muzzle. Each eye gets one French Knot for a white highlight.

Nose, make a triangle at top of muzzle or give bear a big honker like red bear.

The mouth is formed by running a long stitch from bottom of nose to edge of muzzle, back up to nose and then down to edge of muzzle on other side and back up to bottom of nose to finish off.



1 skein of Lion Brand Tweed Stripes (3 oz) was used for each brown or red bear.

2 skeins of Sensations Beautiful  (1 ½ oz) is required for white bear but there will be some left over.

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