Thursday, November 5, 2015

Teacup Pin Cushions, Up-Cycled and Uniquely Fun

I’ve made a lot of pincushions over the years. One thing they have in common is being light which causes them to bounce around just out of reach or slide away across the table.
I don’t remember where I saw the idea of up-cycling teacups for pincushion bases but it was on some show. They didn’t give any details, just the idea of using some fun cups as the base for a pin cushion. Cute idea that stayed with me even though it took a few weeks to get around to visiting the local thrift shops for appropriate cups.

The first two stores I went to didn’t have anything that would work to play with. Well, there was one cup that I got in the second store. They had some super pretty china cups for $6 each but they were too nice and a bit expensive for playing. The third store was just the right one. I found 9 little cups that ranged from fun to pretty. Total price for 9 cups was just under $5. Perfect range for playing with. I don't know about you, but when something is nice and/or expensive it tends to sit instead of being used. When I spend less than a dollar on something I am much more willing to risk total failure in figuring out a new process.

Next, I cut some 1” foam to put on bottom of cup.

I measured the cup diameter and cut out a square double that measurement. So, the first cup was 2” around so I cut out a 4” square. Then I rounded the corners to make a rough circle. No one is going to see the bottom so it doesn’t have to be perfect. Then I sewed big stitches about 1/4” from the edge, just like a yo-yo. Except I think you fold over a seam allowance for a yo-you and you don’t have to do that for this. Use doubled thread. You’re going to snug up the circle of fabric pretty tight and single thread often snaps in the process.
Draw up the circle, forming a pouch. Stuff very tightly with either wool scraps or poly-fill. I used poly. Cinch up that circle and take a few stitches opposite and knot.

Put some glue in the bottom of the cup and place piece of foam on glue. Put some glue on top of foam and around edges of cup, about ½” from the top. Place stuffed circle, sewn side down, into cup and press down. Let dry. It’s a pin cushion!

I used Aleen’s craft glue. To get a more poufy top, cut fabric twice cup diameter plus 1”. So a 3” diameter cup will have a fabric square of 7”.  (3” x 2 + 1”= 7”)

I've heard of using crushed walnut shells for filling but I haven't found that yet. The next time I get out to the farthest side of town from where I live I will check out the specialty pet stores to see if they carry it.

Go ahead and give this a try. I was looking for small cups but you could use any size at all that you want. I've made a few now and have a few more to go. The little blue flowered cup is 2" in diameter at the top and is just as cute as a button. The pretty cup to the right has its foam base ready to go.

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