Friday, May 12, 2017

Pattern Weights in Action

In a recent post I discussed making pattern weights. Here they are in action:

The little sour cream packet looking weights took about ten minutes to make a pair. They are filled with dry rice.

The little owl weights took about an hour, I suppose. I did not time their construction.

There are only three pattern pieces that you can make yourself; a quarter circle, about a one sixteenth of a circle, and a 1 - 1/2"-2" circle. The variance is because I did the 2" cardboard with 2 1/2" fabric to cover the cardboard and I think going a bit smaller would be better. The 2" version does give a broad and steady base though.

I used a compass and drew half the 10" circle on a piece of copy paper then folded it in half and cut out the quarter circle. Then I took the second quarter and folded it in half two more times and cut out the 1/16th circle, tapering it out at the tip to allow for seam allowance. Then you sew the two pieces together along the sides. I used two different fabrics for contrast. The 1/16th circle is brown and the 1/4 circle is gray.

Cut out about a 1 1/2"-2" circle of cardboard for the base and then a round piece of fabric about 1/2" bigger than cardboard. Do a running stitch around edge of fabric circle and place cardboard circle in center and snug up thread to wrap fabric edges around cardboard circle. Fold tip of triangle shaped tip down and tack down. Hand sew a running stitch around edges of bottom of owl  to draw up bottom. Put a bit of batting or poly fill into owl, pushing down into head then fill up with dried rice and cinch the bottom closed. Hand stitch fabric covered cardboard circle to bottom of owl. Add buttons. Voila! An owl pattern weight. Works great.

Yes, the fabric in photo is too wrinkled to cut out like that. I just set it up to take a picture and ironed it before actually cutting piece out.

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