Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I don't do a lot of knitting in the summer. I'm not big on A/C though I will use it when it gets muggy hot and the best way to avoid turning on central air is to not sit on the couch with a warm knitting project on my lap. Sometimes the urge to knit will be too strong to resist even with the hot summer weather but mostly I knit to make something I want to use and there isn't a big need for knitwear in the summer.

I have a lot of brands in the fire and I need to focus on some other projects for a while so I don't expect to get many crafting posts done in the next several weeks or even months. I will try to post any projects I do, whether knitting, crocheting, beadwork, wirework, or sewing but I won't be able to create projects just for the blog for a bit.

In addition to some other major projects going on I am planning a big move. That will be my big time sink for a few months. Between writing and preparing house to sell and a new job starting next month I will be lucky to get even a monthly post done on here. I will try though.

Sometimes you just have to focus on one thing at a time. I tend to have so many things going on at once that every once in a while I have to stop and focus on one thing or it gets a bit overwhelming.

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