Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Stained Glass Fingerless Mittens

Stained Glass Fingerless Mittens with Rolled Hem Top

I love fingerless mittens. They are really very practical in Northern Minnesota when the weather turns cold. I take a lot of photographs and some of the most inspiring events happen when it’s briskly cold. In Northern Minnesota “brisk” might have a slightly different connotation than in other parts of the U.S. Here, brisk means that it isn’t cold enough to cause frostbite within ten minutes of exposure to the air but it sure feels mighty uncomfortably cold, hence, brisk.

When you’re out with the camera on the tripod in the dark trying to capture the Milky Way or Northern Lights you need to be able to feel the camera controls with your fingers but that brisk night air is making your hands feel frozen. That’s where the fingerless mittens come in so handy. Just a few weeks ago we had a brisk, clear night when the Northern Lights were out and I was so glad to have my fingerless mittens.

Plus, they’re just fun and cute. When I designed these Stained Glass Fingerless Mittens they caught the attention of a lot of people and the comment was consistently, “how fun!” and “those look so fun”. I should have named them Fun Fingerless Mittens but Stained Glass Fingerless Mittens seemed to be a better fit.

You can get the pattern on Ravelry or on Etsy.

The rolled hem top is a departure from the normal style I make. Usually I like the ribbed top so that it holds tight against the hand. With the rolled hem you can roll it down to give your fingers more mobility and roll it up to cover more of your hand. Plus it's cute.

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