Saturday, June 3, 2017

Number One Cat Toy #1

Cats have different personalities. Some like a toy mouse. Some love catnip. For my Max it's all about the string.

I was making a fabric stuffed flower and the first attempt I cut the fabric with the wrong dimensions and it created a barrel shape too narrow to flatten for the flower. I ran some yarn through the center and Max's favorite all-time cat toy was born.

It doesn't look like much does it? But the cat loves it. It's so great when mistakes turn into unexpected treasures.

Even hot and tired, he can't resist a few swats.

It took about half an hour total to make and was completely scrap items. I think it took less than half an hour but we'll say half an hour for the first one.

1. Cut a piece of fabric 3"x 4 1/2". Crease or iron 1/4" along the long edges. This keeps raw edges inside.
2. Sew into a tube. I used sewing machine but it's small enough that you could do it by hand.
3. With needle and thread, use a running stitch along the top edge. You can use doubled standard thread if you want a stronger thread. Make stitches fairly large. I inserted needle about every 1/4". You just don't want the stitches too tight because that actually hinders gathering. Pull up thread to gather together and secure with a knot or two. Turn inside out and do the same on other end; use running stitch around edge (in center of the folded fabric), tighten to gather, knot to secure. Stuff. I used poly fill but you can use scraps of wool, yarn, even add some catnip. My Max doesn't care about catnip so I don't bother with it.
4. String about a yard of yarn (or string or cord, whatever you have on hand) onto a tapestry needle, run needle through center of barrel. The gaps at top and bottom from gathering fabric together make the perfect spot to insert the thick needle. Tie yarn. If yarn gets too beat up with lots of play it's really easy to replace. Just cut off old yarn and string on new yarn.

With such a quick, frugal, and well received toy, you can make several to have on hand for play.

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